Pursuant to the Article 65 of the Law of Higher Education (Official Gazette of the RS, no. 88/2017, 27/2018 and 73/2018), Article 20 of the Rulebook on the Admission to the Study Programs of the University of Niš (University of Niš Gazette, no. 1/2019), and Article 53 of the Statute of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš, at its session of 03.06.2019 the Academic Council, after the proposal by the Board for Normative Activity, adopted the following
on the organization of integrated academic studies of medicine in English language
Article 1
The Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš (Faculty of Medicine in Niš, further in the text) has been accredited to organize teaching in English language within the study program of integrated academic studies of medicine for the acquisition of the academic title Doctor of Medicine.
The students completing the study program of integrated academic studies of medicine for the acquisition of the academic title of Doctor of Medicine in English language have direct access to doctoral academic studies (PhD) in medical science and specialist studies.
Article 2
The studies of medicine in Engish language are realized in accordance with the Law on Higher Education, Statute of the Faculty of Medicine, Rulebook on the Organization and Realization of Integrated Academic and Professional Studies of the Faculty of Medicine in Niš, and Rulebook on the Organization of Integrated Academic Studies of Medicine in English of the Faculty of Medicine (Rulebook, further in the text).
This Rulebook regulates specific principles of organization and realization of the study program of integrated academic studies of medicine in English language (studies of medicine in English, further in the text) at the Faculty of Medicine in Niš, in accordance with the general acts of the University of Niš and Faculty of Medicine in Niš.
Article 3
Theoretical and practical classes at the courses realized within the studies of medicine in English take place at the Faculty facilities and at the teaching bases of the Faculty.
Article 4
The studies of medicine in English, in accordance with the accredited study program, last for 6 years or 12 semesters of instruction, taking place in the form of:
1) lecture classes,
2) practical classes,
3) other forms of active teaching (seminars, case studies),
4) clinical practical instruction, and
5) independent student work in the function of diploma exam preparation.
The total number of classes in the curriculum is 5680, and the number of active classes is 4740, out of which 2235 are dedicated to theory, and 2505 are the classes of practice and other forms of active teaching. Summer professional practice and clinical practical teaching involve 790 hours.
Article 5
The total student workload throughout the studies of medicine in English equals 360 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits. The total number of credits per one academic year is 60 ECTS credits. Teaching classes during the studies of medicine in English are held by Faculty teachers and associates who have earned academic titles in relevant scientific fields.
The decisions on the engagement of teachers/associates for teaching in English language are adopted by the Academic Council of the Faculty, after the proposals of respective departments. The teaching is performed exclusively in English language, in accordance with the accredited study program.
Before the commencement of an academic (school) year, the teachers and associates involved in teaching in English language sign a statement of consent to participate in the teaching in English language.
Article 6
The citizens of the Republic of Serbia and foreign citizens may be admitted under equal terms to the first year of integrated academic studies of medicine in English language.
Article 7
The number of students to be admitted to the first year of studies of medicine in English corresponds to the number of students set in the operating licence issued by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.
Article 8
Realization of the study program of integrated academic studies of medicine in English language shall be adjusted to the specific demands of this study program by the decision of the Academic Council, after the Dean’s proposal.
Article 9
The call for admission to the first year of integrated academic studies of medicine in English language shall be announced by the University of Niš, after the Faculty proposal containing the number of students to be admitted and tuition fee.
Candidate application dates and admission exam dates are set in the general provisions of the admission call, and are realized in two terms, the June one and September one.
Article 10
The candidates may be enrolled in first year of studies of medicine in English language in the way and under conditions as set by the Law of Higher Education of the Republic of Serbia, Rulebook on the Admission to the Study Programs of the University of Niš, Statute of the Faculty of Medicine, and this Rulebook.
Both Serbian citizens and foreign citizens may apply for admission to the first year of integrated academic studies of medicine in English language if they have graduated from a gymnasium, four-year medical school or four-year veterinary school. Applying for admission, the candidates have to submit the appropriate certificate demonstrating their competence in English language or to pass an English language exam (written test and oral exam) before the Commission appointed by the Dean of the Faculty. The applicants from native English-speaking countries are excluded from this requirement.
The candidates have to pass the admission exam composed of two written tests (one in Biology and one in Chemistry), both in English language.
The ranking-list of applicants who meet the criteria for admission will be based on the overall success in higher education and will be published on the Faculty notice board and the Faculty web page.
After the completion of admission exam, the Faculty will prepare and publish the final ranking list of candidates, as formulated in the admission call. The list is formed on the basis of overall success in higher education and success at admission exam.
A candidate may submit a complaint regarding the regularity of the admission exam and his ranking in the final list to the Commission for Student Admission withing 36 hours, and after the Commission’s suggestion the Dean puts forward the decision about the complaint within 24 hours of the receipt of the complaint.
If required, the admission exam may be realized extramurally, not at the Faculty site, via electronic means of communication, in a room equipped with video cameras for recording the whole course of the admission exam.
The Commission for Admission exam for the study program of integrated academic studies of medicine is appointed by the Academic Council of the Faculty.
Admission exam is realized in the presence of a representative of the Commission for Admission exam.
The representative of the Commission for Admission exam identifies the candidates applying for the admission exam via an insight into their identity documents.
The representative of the Commission for Admission exam controls the work related to the admission exam in accordance with the Article 7 of the Rulebook on Student Admission to the Study Programs of the University of Niš.
If the admission exam is not realized at the site of the Faculty, all applicants take the exam at the same time, in the same manner and under the same conditions.
The total number of applicants for the admission exam as well as the location of the exam will be published at the web page of the Faculty of Medicine two work days before the admission exam date.
Admission exam results are processed immediately after the exam and the final ranking list of candidates who passed the exam is formed on the basis of overall success in higher education and success at admission exam, in accordance with the Article 18 of the Rulebook on Student Admission to the Study Programs of the University of Niš.
Article 11
The students of integrated academic studies of medicine in English from other Faculties of Medicine who completed a part of the study program of integrated academic studies of medicine in English, may transfer without an admission exam to the study program of integrated academic studies of medicine in English for the academic title Doctor of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Niš, if
– they have earned minimum 60 ECTS credits within other programs of academic studies;
– they have passed all the examinations from the previous study years;
– they submit a transfer request at the latest to the end of the term for admission to the next school year, and
– submit with their transfer request, the request for exam recognition with the documentation as mentioned in the Article 8 of the Rulebook on Student Admission to the Study Programs of the University of Niš
The Dean of the Faculty appoints the Commission to establish if the student has met the criteria for exam recognition and has the right to be admitted, and after the Commission’s suggestion decides on the fulfillment of the transfer criteria, stating the recognized exams and other study program obligations, obligations in further studies and acquired student status.
Article 12
Students, citizens of the Republic of Serbia, admitted to integrated academic studies of medicine in English language, who have completed a part of the study program of integrated academic studies of medicine in English language, may be admitted without an admission exam to the study program of integrated academic studies of medicine in Serbian language for the acquisition of the academic title Doctor of Medicine in a manner and by the procedure described in the Article 13 of this Rulebook.
The students from the Clause 1 of this Article may be admitted in the status of self-financing students.
Students admitted to the studies of medicine in Serbian language who have completed a part of the study program of integrated academic studies of medicine in Serbian language, may be admitted without an admission exam to the study program of integrated academic studies of medicine in English language for the acquisition of the academic title Doctor of Medicine in a manner and by the procedure described in the Article 13 of this Rulebook and if they submit an appropriate certificate of competence in English language.
A student enrolled in the study program of integrated academic studies of medicine in English language is allowed to transfer to the program in Serbian language if he/she has earned at least 120 ECTS credits.
Article 13
This Rulebook shall become effective on the day following the day the Decision of approval of this Rulebook by the Senate of the University of Niš will have come into force
No.: 10-6125-2
In Niš, 03.06.2019.
Prof. dr Dobrila Stanković Đorđević